• This 360 panorama is from Peyto Lake, Canada
    This 360 panorama is from Peyto Lake, Canada
  • This 360 panorama is from Peyto Lake, Canada
    This 360 panorama is from Peyto Lake, Canada
  • This 360 panorama is from Peyto Lake, Canada
    This 360 panorama is from Peyto Lake, Canada
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VirtualParks parks

USA > California > Southern Sierra Nevada >

Virtual Ansel Adams Wilderness viewpoints

[ No pano map available    ]
Pano file size
Ansel Adams Wilderness  Lake EdizaThumbnail1082 KBMAM4
  Lake Ediza outletThumbnail481 KB 
  Shadow LakeThumbnail960 KBShot with a home-made panhead
  Unknown Lake along JMTThumbnail478 KBThe lake was along the JMT--after Island Pass but before Thousand Island Lake Lake.
(4 scenes in this park)


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