• Silver Star Mountain, Washington
    This 360 panorama is from Silver Star Mountain, Washington
  • Lake Ediza, California
    This 360 panorama is of Lake Ediza, California
  • Silver Falls, Oregon
    This 360 panorama is of a Silver Falls, Oregon
  • Silver Star Mountain, Washington
    This 360 panorama is from Silver Star Mountain, Washington
  • Lake Ediza, California
    This 360 panorama is of Lake Ediza, California
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Prerequisite for browsing panoramas

The virtual reality (VR) panoramas on this site depend on QuickTime. Unfortunately QuickTime cannot display VR on iPhones, iPads, or Android devices. However the small screen on most of these devices doesn't provide an immersive experience.

QuickTime VR (or QTVR for short) is a form of virtual reality which allows you to browse real or imagined places using a PC or Mac and no specialized VR hardware. You move around in the VR space using mouse and/or keyboard.

The QuickTime VR scenes on this site are panoramic views of a particular place or places. You can zoom in or out, pan around, or look skywards or downwards to examine what it is like to be at the particular place.

Problems viewing VR?

If you don't see a panorama displayed on the VR scene pages (try this sample), check this list of problems and solutions.

Help installing QuickTime

If you don't have QuickTime, you need to install it to view the site's virtual reality panoramas.

Frequently asked questions

We've fielded thousands of questions over the years. The latest answers are here.

Header panoramas backstory

#1: Lake Ediza

The Minarets in the central Sierra Nevada always beckoned to me from the first time I saw them from Hwy 395. On this summer day in 1998, I decided to get to see them closer up. Truly one of the most sublime mountain views I've ever seen. The Minarets are so steep that they won't hold all the snow that was still in the backcountry. On the way back a thunderstorm let loose and the lightning was quite closeby.

#2: Silver Falls

It was quite lucky to get this panorama of one of the Silver Falls, Oregon without the crowds of people that visit these wonderful watery displays.

#3: Silver Star Mtn

After quite a lot of walking and ascending on this fine fall day, finally got to some great vantage points at 4390 foot high Silver Star Mountain. On a good day there are five volcanoes visible from here--Mt, Hood, Mt. St Helens, Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, and Mt. Jefferson.


For a different panorama every day, visit VRlog.com, which works in all popular browsers and supports fullscreen viewing and WebVR.