• This 360 panorama is from the PCT north of Mt. Whitney
    This 360 panorama is from PCT north of Mt. Whitney
  • This 360 panorama is from the PCT north of Mt. Whitney
    This 360 panorama is from PCT north of Mt. Whitney
  • This 360 panorama is from the PCT north of Mt. Whitney
    This 360 panorama is from PCT north of Mt. Whitney
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VirtualParks parks

USA > California > Southern Sierra Nevada >

Virtual Kings Canyon National Park viewpoints

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Pano file size
Kings Canyon National Park  Above Mist FallsThumbnail497 KBFrom a rock above the main falls
  Along Palisade Creek nr 1Thumbnail1092 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Along Palisade Creek nr 2Thumbnail1271 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Arrow LakeThumbnail961 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Aspen MeadowThumbnail1309 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  At Mist FallsThumbnail482 KBTaken from the side view of Mist Falls, out of mist's way
  Bailey Bridge over Kings RiverThumbnail525 KBThere were kids fishing at the east end of the bridge
  Below Mist FallsThumbnail501 KBI thought this was Mist Falls. Later it turned out to just be the last of Mist.
  Between Aspen Meadow and Franklin MeadowThumbnail1317 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Between two lakes at head of Tyndall CreekThumbnail1012 KB 
  Bridge over Piute CreekThumbnail991 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Bubbs CreekThumbnail509 KBSPX8. Very slippery rocks here. I got my feet wet the first try crossing stream.
  Bubbs Creek and Sphinx Trail junctionThumbnail478 KBSPX2. Clouds were coming and going.
  Bubbs Creek TrailThumbnail467 KBSPX1. This trail is as steep as the rangers at the trailhead promised.
  Bullfrog LakeThumbnail1015 KBUnbelievably bad smoke from a giant fire 75 miles away
  Cedar Grove OverlookThumbnail590 KBIncredible view down on Cedar Grove and the rest of Kings Canyon
  Clearing along Paradise Valley TrailThumbnail484 KBGreat view of both sides of Kings Canyon
  Crag overlooking junction of Woods and Baxter Creeks Thumbnail1231 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Darwin Bench overlooking Evolution Lakes BasinThumbnail994 KB 
  Descent from Evolution Valley nr 1Thumbnail948 KB 
  Descent from Evolution Valley nr 2Thumbnail1051 KB 
  Descent to San Juaquin RiverThumbnail1389 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Dollar LakeThumbnail886 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Evolution LakeThumbnail1062 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead.
  Evolution Valley MeadowThumbnail962 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Falls below Evolution MeadowThumbnail976 KBI regretted not shooting this on JMT2, so was glad to get another shot at it.
  First Palisade LakeThumbnail1085 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Forester Pass[No thumbnail]882 KB 
  Glen Pass nr 1Thumbnail854 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Glen Pass nr 2Thumbnail874 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Golden Gate of the Sierra-bridge over Woods CreekThumbnail1055 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Grouse Meadow nr 1Thumbnail1043 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Grouse Meadow nr 2Thumbnail1073 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Guitar Lake shoreThumbnail1079 KB 
  Headwaters of Bubbs CreekThumbnail1027 KB 
  Helen Lake overlookThumbnail1126 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Helen Lake shoreThumbnail1055 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Hilltop overlooking S. Fork Kings River valleyThumbnail914 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Hotel Creek OverlookThumbnail699 KB 
  Hotel Creek trailThumbnail981 KBThis location is about 1/3 mile from the end of Hotel Creek Trail where it intersects Lewis Creek trial
  Hwy 180 overlookThumbnail670 KBGreat view from just off the 180 highway.
  JMT between Guitar Lake and Trail CrestThumbnail985 KB 
  JMT between Guitar Lake and Trail Crest nr 2Thumbnail991 KB 
  JMT between Sapphire Lk. and Wanda LakeThumbnail1219 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  JMT overlooking Evolution LakeThumbnail833 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead.
  Junction MeadowThumbnail1148 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Kearsarge PassThumbnail1010 KB 
  Kings Canyon Floor, clearingThumbnail498 KBFirst serious use of monopod
  Kings River Junction ViewpointThumbnail388 KBIncredible view showing Spanish Mt., Monarch Divide, University Peak, more
  Kings River Junction Viewpoint nr 2Thumbnail342 KBAlmost same as nr 1, but closer to sunset and at other end of rest stop.
  Lake Marjorie on the John Muir TrailThumbnail993 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Lake under Fin DomeThumbnail977 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Lamarck ColThumbnail481 KB 
  Lewis Creek trail, intersection with Hotel Creek TrailThumbnail984 KB 
  Looking down on Palisade Creek canyonThumbnail937 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Lookout Point nr 1Thumbnail718 KB 
  Lookout Point nr 2Thumbnail713 KB 
  Lookout Point nr 3Thumbnail876 KB 
  Lower Rae LakeThumbnail885 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Mather Pass nr 1Thumbnail1074 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Mather Pass nr 2Thumbnail918 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  McClure MeadowThumbnail971 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Middle Mist Falls, above round rock cavityThumbnail483 KB 
  Mist Falls Looking at SphinxThumbnail503 KB 
  Mt. Whitney Summit during wildfire nr 1Thumbnail1025 KB 
  Mt. Whitney Summit during wildfire nr 2Thumbnail889 KB 
  Mt. Whitney Trail Crest nr 2Thumbnail1049 KB 
  Muir Pass nr1Thumbnail1152 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Muir Pass nr2Thumbnail1092 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  North side of Mather PassThumbnail692 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Old bridge site across Palisade CreekThumbnail1024 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Overlooking Guitar LakeThumbnail907 KB 
  Overlooking Woods CreekThumbnail1402 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Pinchot PassThumbnail1115 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Ridge north of Forester Pass nr 1Thumbnail1059 KBThis is the last point with a grand view down Bubbs Creek Canyon
  Ridge north of Forester Pass nr 2Thumbnail1005 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Roads End permit stationThumbnail1141 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Roaring FallsThumbnail499 KBGot here just as the sun left the falls in shade
  Rock field south of Wallace CreekThumbnail1053 KB 
  Rock ledge overlooking Charlotte LakeThumbnail1044 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Rock overlooking unnamed lake and Rae LakeThumbnail958 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Rock shelf below Center Peak on JMTThumbnail1072 KBTaken from off the trail, on a rock bench near the headwaters of Bubbs Creek
  Rockfield south of Le Conte Ranger StationThumbnail1186 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Rocky hillock east of Guitar LakeThumbnail1123 KB 
  Rocky outcrop between Helen Lake and Le Conte CanyonThumbnail738 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Sandy MeadowThumbnail1123 KB 
  Sapphire LakeThumbnail1097 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Second Darwin Lake nr 1Thumbnail962 KB 
  Second Darwin Lake nr 2Thumbnail957 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Small hill overlooking two canyonsThumbnail1190 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Small unnamed Lake west of Twin LakesThumbnail873 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Sphinx Creek Trail, view with treesThumbnail478 KBSPX5. The view kept getting better.
  Sphinx Trail Granite StaircaseThumbnail555 KBSPX4. "Stairway to Heaven." Unbelievable granite stairs.
  Sphinx Trail nr 7Thumbnail521 KBSPX7. A nice view past these tall trees.
  Sphinx Trail Overlooking Avalanche CreekThumbnail501 KBSPX3. Overlooking Avalanche Creek and some of Bubbs Creek valley.
  Sphinx Trail, end of hellish ascentThumbnail558 KBSPX6. Turnaround point for the day. A shoelace broke.
  Switchback on Hotel Creek TrailThumbnail481 KBMy shoes were starting to hurt here
  Third Darwin LakeThumbnail982 KB 
  Third lake before Lake Marjorie (to N.)Thumbnail887 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Timberline LakeThumbnail972 KB 
  Top end of Evolution ValleyThumbnail851 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead.
  Top of switchbacks overlooking Vidette MeadowThumbnail1186 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Trail Junction on Hotel Creek TrailThumbnail584 KBI met one hiker on this trail, right here
  upper Bubbs Creek view of The SphinxThumbnail1267 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Upper Rae LakeThumbnail921 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  View of The Citadel in Le Conte CanyonThumbnail1194 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Wanda Lake nr1 (NE end)Thumbnail876 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Wanda Lake nr2Thumbnail903 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Waterfall at top of Le Conte CanyonThumbnail1021 KBShot with Francois Mercat's 2 oz. panhead
  Zumwalt Meadow nr 1Thumbnail486 KBFirst Sierra pano, in this beautiful meadow under the Grand Sentinel.
  Zumwalt Meadow nr 2Thumbnail509 KBFrom the banks of Kings River, looking up at Grand Sentinel.
  Zumwalt Meadow nr 3Thumbnail521 KBBest meadow I've seen in the whole valley
(112 scenes in this park)


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