Panorama of Old fire road north of Old Woman's Creek
How to navigate inside QuickTime VR scene: Hold down mouse button and drag in the scene to change your viewpoint. Zoom in by using the Shift key, zoom out with Ctrl key. In some browsers the left and right arrow keys are easier and faster for controlling your point of view in the scene.
Accessibility from nearest trailhead or parking: Good walk (1.5 - 3 miles one way)
Comments: As soon as I headed off the main dirt road and onto the old fire road, ticks constantly were climbing up my legs. During the day I flung 70 of them into the bushes--perhaps the cattle ranching days' lingering heritage. This road has not been maintained for years and is completely overgrown in places with bushes and poison oak. It is little better than bushwhacking, and in places is possible to lose the road altogether.
Photo info:Photographer: Erik Goetze Lens: 24mm Film: Kodak Ektapress Mult Exposure: 1/20-1/80th @f22
'Best of' rating: This panorama is rated as the 997th best.
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