• Eastern Sierra Nevada, California
    This 360 panorama is from the eastern Sierra Nevada, California
  • Eastern Sierra Nevada, California
    This 360 panorama is from the eastern Sierra Nevada, California
  • Eastern Sierra Nevada, California
    This 360 panorama is from the eastern Sierra Nevada, California
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Virtual Parks trip narratives

Sometimes I have the time to write-up a trip description... here's a few (offline; will be restored in a week or so):
    Loop from Lamarck Col to Piute Pass from North Lake to Lamarck Col to Darwin Lakes to Evolution Meadow to Piute Creek to Humphreys Basin to Piute Pass and back to North Lake, a 40 mile backpack trip
    Eastern Sierra Fall color from Bodie to Green Creek and on the Virginia Lakes and Lundy lake
    Seven days on the John Muir Trail (JMT1) from Yosemite to Mono Crk/Lake Edison area; 85 miles
    Nine days on the John Muir Trail (JMT2) from Lake Edison to Bubbs Creek/Road's End; 105 miles
    Four days on the John Muir Trail (JMT3) from Onion Valley to Whitney Portal; 53 miles
    WWP: a global simultaneous shoot at the Spring Equinox of 2004
Wrinkle 2000: a global simultaneous shoot at the turn of the year


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