• This 360 panorama is from the PCT north of Mt. Whitney
    This 360 panorama is from PCT north of Mt. Whitney

VirtualParks parks

USA > California > Mid Peninsula >

Virtual Downtown Palo Alto viewpoints

[ No pano map available    ]
Pano file size
Downtown Palo Alto  Alma Street Fire DepartmentThumbnail499 KBNo sign of interest by the firepeople in what I was doing.
  Cafe VeronaThumbnail992 KB 
  CalTrain Station[No thumbnail]539 KBGood view down Lytton
  City HallThumbnail1050 KB 
  Cogswell ParkThumbnail1067 KB 
  Cowper and ForestThumbnail763 KB"HOMWAY" in GPS, opposite BandB
  Downtown Post Office on HamiltonThumbnail970 KBhotdog vendor was on holiday
  El Palo Alto treeThumbnail537 KBView the historic tree
  Emerson and LyttonThumbnail526 KBShows the new big buildings on Lytton
  Forest and BryantThumbnail996 KBOutside PD and Library
  Forest and WaverlyThumbnail710 KBAcross from the AAA building
  Hamilton and AlmaThumbnail744 KBAcross from 100 Hamilton(Sun)
  Hamilton and High StreetThumbnail467 KBLots of curious glances from walks-by--but also the first person to recognize what I was doing
  High Street and ForestThumbnail328 KBIn front of Palo Alto Weekly...but no one noticed I was shooting them.
  Homer and Emerson Thumbnail972 KBAcross from Whole Foods
  Homer and High StreetThumbnail677 KBAcross from the famous Peninsula Creamery building
  Homer and WaverlyThumbnail758 KBChurch landmark
  Homer Street in front of PeetsThumbnail337 KBtesting the new KiWi+ rig
  Johnson ParkThumbnail1084 KB 
  Lytton and HighThumbnail584 KBFirst pano with the KiWi?
  Lytton and WaverlyThumbnail878 KBSeveral people were lurking
  Lytton and WebsterThumbnail731 KB 
  Lytton PlazaThumbnail872 KB 
  Outside Gordon Biersch Thumbnail789 KBThe famous Palo Alto institution
  Parking lot HThumbnail999 KBView of Il Fornaio restaurant
  Peers ParkThumbnail1143 KB 
  Ramona PlazaThumbnail536 KBBatteries were running low; cold; 3246 tripod; no filter; reflection in one window
  Top of the Cowper-Webster parking structure, PA Thumbnail772 KB 
  Town and Country mallThumbnail628 KBTesting the monopod
  University and Bryant StreetThumbnail1004 KBIn the interest of several people's privacy, some erasure took place.
  University and CowperThumbnail761 KBShows the new building on NW corner
  University and Florence StreetThumbnail922 KBBlurred clouds due to interruption
  University and High StreetThumbnail992 KBWinter sun always in the way
  University and KiplingThumbnail632 KBI tried to hide the big building under construction on University Ave
  University and Ramona Street Thumbnail998 KBAcross from Digital's WRL Office
  University and TassoThumbnail558 KBIn front of Crescent Park Grill; the building across the street was undergoing some kind of construction.
  University and Waverly StreetThumbnail1108 KBTaxis was under construction
  University AveThumbnail578 KB 
  WRL/NSL Machine Room nr 1Thumbnail856 KB 
  WRL/NSL Machine Room nr 2Thumbnail666 KB 
  WRL/NSL Machine Room nr 3Thumbnail734 KB 
(41 scenes in this park)


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