This snippet of a 360 panorama is from the state of Washington
This snippet of a 360 panorama is from the state of Washington
This snippet of a 360 panorama is from the state of Washington
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Scene Information
Latitude: 37deg 26' 30'' Longitude: -122deg 9' 34'' ; Elev.: 51ft. ; Show loc. w/MapQuest
The 5 nearest scenes (distances as the crow flies)
Homer Street in front of Peets is 101 feet from here , in Downtown Palo Alto
Homer and Emerson is 258 feet from here , in Downtown Palo Alto
Homer and Emerson is 258 feet from here , in Downtown Palo Alto
Outside Gordon Biersch is 728 feet from here , in Downtown Palo Alto
Outside Gordon Biersch is 728 feet from here , in Downtown Palo Alto
Accessibility from nearest trailhead or parking: Very easy (short distance from parking)
Comments: Across from the famous Peninsula Creamery building
Photo info: Photographer: Erik Goetze Lens: 24mm Film: Fuji Super G Plus 40 Exposure: @f22
'Best of' rating: This panorama is rated as the 791st best.
Map of general area
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